KYC Application

How to get KYC Compliant?

To obtain KYC compliance status, submit the following with the application:

  • The KYC requirements can be completed by filling out this Know Your Customer ('KYC') Account Application form.
  • Submit other requisite details/proof (attested true copies of supporting documents relating to proof of identity and address or verification with the original) to Steencore B.V..

We will perform due diligence in connection with Steencore's "Know Your Customer Procedures". This is in accordance with Section 326 of the USA Patriot Act of 2002 and the Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 26 October 2005. 

To obtain a copy of the USA Patriot Act in its entirety please visit:

Who needs to be KYC Compliant

  • Any individual(s) or non-individual(s)

Is KYC required for all transactions? 

Yes. To approach any of the official point of acceptance of transactions, a KYC form must be completed.

NOTE: If you are unable to provide any of the requested documentation, include with your application, a written explanation with full details as to why that documentation is unavailable and any documentation that would support your claim. If your application lacks any of the documents without a reasonable justification, it will be returned to you or in certain circumstances could result in the refusal of your application

If any of the documents (including attestations/certifications) towards proof of identity or proof of address specified above are in a foreign language, they have to be translated into English before submission.

Answer all questions and sign all forms where applicable.


Please note that by signing this document, you are certifying that all information provided therein, whether prepared by you or not, is complete and true in all aspects.

If you or someone acting on your behalf directly or indirectly submits false documents or misrepresents facts relating to your application for opening a new account:

  • Your application may be refused;
  • the circumstances of your refusal will be entered into Steencore's database.

The officer will base his/her decision on the documents on file at the time of the assessment. Any changes which we have not been informed of will delay processing or may result in the refusal of the application. 

Fresh KYC requests received in the old KYC form will be subject to rejection.


Any subsequent change to Address, Country, Nationality, Occupation, Income details, Date of birth, Proof of identity, may also be communicated to Steencore in the respective forms where the provisions have been made available.


Guidelines for opening a New Client Account 

  1. Read the form carefully and in case of queries contact the concerned officials of our respective local office.
  2. A Joint Trading Account can only be opened when a joint-venture or co-operation agreement will be provided to Steencore, preferably notarised. All other herein mentioned requirements apply to each of the partners individually.
  3. Fill in all the details in the enclosed form/agreement in all respect. If any column is not applicable to you, please write 'N/A' (Not Applicable in that column).
  4. All copies of proof of identity, address and bank account should be certified as true signed by the applicant. Steencore can require originals for verification purpose.
  5. Attach a recent passport sized photograph in the space provided for in the form and sign across the photograph in a manner where part of the signature is on the photo and other on the form. No Electronic signatures are acceptable.

Basic Requirements 

  1. Proof of Valid ID - List of documents admissible as Proof of Identity  (*Documents having an expiry date should be valid on the date of submission.): International ID, driving licence, or birth certificate, preferably legalised.  A clean and clear colour copy of the client’s passport must be provided.  All forms of identification must be legible, unaltered, and legitimate. The ID also cannot be expired. If the ID appears altered, forged, or not legitimate, we will not be able to proceed with your application. 
  2. Proof of Address - List of documents admissible as Proof of Address (*Documents having an expiry date should be valid on the date of submission.): Electricity bill (within the last 20 days), recent bank account statement, extract from register at your municipality/from competent public authority, voting card, insurance policy, etc.
  3. Bank Letter of Good Standing - Provide a photocopy of your bank reference letter from the bank dated no more than 20 days prior to submitting the application.
  4. Latest Financial Statement   - Attach the summary page of the Final Beneficiary’s bank account statement.
  5. Audited Accounts & Reports  - Attach a photocopy of the audited profit and loss account/balance sheet/annual report of the last two financial years, or Bank Comfort Letter confirming client’s financial capability.
  6. Corporate Documents -  Attach photocopies of all relevant corporate documentation such as Certificate of Incumbency (with specimen signatures), Business Registration Certificate, Trade and Export Licenses, etc.


NOTE: To approach any of the official points of acceptance of transactions, a KYC form must be completed.

For convenience, we have attached herewith the download files on Help & Support. We request you to fill in the details and provide the certified copy of supporting documents as stated in the Form.

Please feel free to call us or email us at Steencore Compliance Department for any query on KYC requirements.

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